Orality Talking Points serves the global mission by highlighting resources and practical discussions. We post news and events that significantly contribute to better understanding and implementing mission strategies rooted in the foundations of orality.
OralityTalks Webinar
Topic: Local Ways for Local Praise
Contributors: David Ige (Nigeria) and Deborah Kim (South Korea)
Host: Rocelyn Anog Madinger
July 10, 2024, at 8:00 PM (Manila) / 8:00 AM (USA Eastern)
OralityTalks Journal
I-OS is about to release the second issue of an orality-focused journal. Read, interact, and contribute to the bi-monthly strategic discussions with articles, case studies, reviews of resources, and works of art.
NEW Service!
Orality Resources International (ORI)
A source for “all things orality” – theses and dissertations, books, ethnoarts archives, and more. ORI acquires multi-disciplinary research, assigns an ISBN number through the National Library of the Philippines, and makes it available for the global missions community at no cost. Click the link above to see how to publish your work or to suggest the works of others for this academic commons site.
Orality Resources International (ORI)
Global Need: Arts and Kingdom Growth
Search the links and actively pursue further competencies in communicating the Kingdom through creative and artistic expressions. The message drives deeper into the ART. The arts create connections in the brain that words alone can never make. They also move a message from short-term memory into long-term. The message also tends to go viral. Check it out.
What’s it all about, and why pursue it in mission?
Global Ethnodoxology Network (GEN): https://www.worldofworship.org/introduction-to-ethnodoxology/
IMB: https://www.imb.org/2016/09/07/ethnodoxology-means-essential-church-plantin/ (article)
Cross-Disciplines and non-missional insights into the arts:
In education: https://www.facebook.com/ethnoartsporto/
Training and Education Resources
Dallas International University: https://www.diu.edu/course/wa5381/
ACT, International:
Nungalinya College
Missional University
Ethnodoxology: A Global Forum on Arts and Christian Faith
International Orality Network Journal
One Voice
Global Orality Mapping Project (GOMAP)
GOMAP is a tool to measure the orality reliance of the world’s UPGs, resulting in practical recommendations for cross-cultural workers. This month, we significantly updated GOMAP with new features based on our feedback so far.
I-OS Orality Studies Programs
Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST, Philippines)
Th.M./Ph.D. (accredited through ATA)
Dr. Cameron Armstrong, Director ([email protected])
Kairos University (USA: coming soon)
M.A. Orality Studies
A competency-based program
Jay Angeles, Director of Training and Education ([email protected])