Talking Points: April 2024

Orality Talking Points serves the global mission by providing resources and practical discussions. We post news and events that significantly contribute to better understanding and implementing mission strategies built on foundations of orality.

OralityTalks Webinar

Topic: Narrative Theology

Host: Tom Steffen

Contributors: Danyal Qalb (Philippines), Jay Angeles (Jakarta), and Joshua Adesina (Nigeria)

May 8, 2024, at 8:00 PM (Manila) – 8:00 AM (USA Eastern)


OralityTalks Journal

I-OS recently released the first issue of an orality-focused journal. Read, interact, and contribute!


Global Orality Mapping Project (GOMAP)

GOMAP is a tool to measure the orality reliance of the world’s UPGs, resulting in practical recommendations for cross-cultural workers. This month, we significantly updated GOMAP with new features based on our feedback so far.


I-OS Orality Studies Programs

Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST, Philippines)

Th.M./Ph.D. (accredited through ATA)

Dr. Cameron Armstrong, Director ([email protected])

Kairos University (USA: coming soon)

M.A. Orality Studies

A competency-based program

Jay Angeles, Director of Training and Education ([email protected])

Global Need: Trauma Healing

Search the links and actively engage in trauma healing in a world of perpetual conflict. Connect with others leading and training in the field and hear their stories!