The Institutes for Orality Strategies (I-OS) trains and retools those sharing the Good News to teach like Jesus with the transformative power of orality.

Transforming brokenness among the oral majority by retooling leaders for high-impact communication with the same tried-and-tested methods used by Jesus.

We will achieve it by…

Meet the Team

The I-OS core team of orality experts and practitioners.

Charles B. Madinger, Ph.D.


Roce Anog Madinger

Danyal Qalb

Research Director

Jong Angeles

Director of Training and Education

Problem & Solution

We live in a broken world full of people who need a word of transformation. The message of healing can often be muddled—offering some truths, partial truths, and illusions. Yet, the Living Word alone holds the power to heal our brokenness. Utilizing oral methods rooted in hearing the Living Word brings healing and holistic transformation.

Our Ultimate Task: Retool 21st Century Leaders

  • Create model ministries beginning with one school, one church, and one mission organization that practice oral principles and methods.
  • Form replicable networks/cohorts of mission and educational leaders that foster a movement of orality-framed communication and instruction from the classroom to the pulpit to the grassroots.
  • Launch orality training cohorts beginning in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
  • Become a leading force in orality research that supports and enhances orality.
  • Provide orality resources for cross-cultural workers, pastors, and teachers working among the oral majority.
  • Build a close network of orality experts who practice, research, and train regional leaders at all levels (especially grass-roots) in the art of oral instructional communication.

Our resource, training & project sites

An orality training program ranging from workshops and certification programs to higher academic degrees like MA and PhD programs.

An orality-focused open-access publisher & resource collection. Do you like your work published?

The Global Orality Mapping Project is a tool that intends better to understand the orality reliance of the world’s UPGs.

A journal, bi-monthly webinar, and discussion forum focusing on orality featuring global leaders in the field.